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The mission of the ICDA is to assemble a group of independent, dealer owner industry professionals who are dedicated to sharing information, ideas, best practice policies and procedures in an open and cooperative manner; all in an attempt to maximize the opportunities for growth and profitability for each member.


ICDA was founded by Jeff and Ben Ragusa (owners of ABC) in order to foster excellence in other office automation dealers as well as their own. ICDA was created in 2012 and is a group of independent copier dealer owners who have very high ethical standards and that are 100% engaged in their business. The group is committed to sharing information, ideas, and best business practices in order to maximize the opportunities for growth and profitability for all members.


After a short 12 years of existence, ICDA has 16 members from all over the country as well as 17 big name sponsors such as Sharp and Great America Financial Services.

Honorary member, Frank Cannata with The Cannata Report, also attend the meetings as an industry specialist. 



ICDA Cake in New Orleans

ICDA Cake in New Orleans

Meeting from New Orleans

Meeting from New Orleans

Dinner Party in Scottsdale

Dinner Party in Scottsdale

Scottsdale Sights

Scottsdale Sights

Meeting from Scottsdale

Meeting from Scottsdale

NY Skyline

NY Skyline

Partial Group Pic

Partial Group Pic

Welcome Dinner in New Orleans

Welcome Dinner in New Orleans



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Applied Business Concepts offers full document solutions, utilizing the latest technology and software to maximize productivity and economy to their customers. Providing office equipment from big names such as Sharp Electronics.

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